Thursday July 11, 2019
6:00 PM Registration & Ice Breaker. Appetizers & Refreshments Provided by Chiricahua Desert Museum
Start Poster Setup
Friday July 12, 2019
7:30 AM Refreshments & Continental Breakfast Provided at the Geronimo Event Center
8:15 AM Opening Remarks
8:20 AM Keynote Address
Dr. Emily N. Taylor - Anatomy of a Pitviper: How These Iconic Animals Inspire Art, Fear, Respect, and Knowledge
9:20 AM Atkins, Marcus - 35 Years on the Northern Frontier: Population Response of Western Rattlesnakes to Land Management Regime Changes in British Columbia
9:40 AM Winton, Stephanie - Impacts of Road Mortality on the Western Rattlesnake (Crotalus oreganus) in British Columbia
10:00 AM Break (20 minutes). Refreshments Provided at the Geronimo Event Center
10:20 AM Whitford, Malachi - Determinants of Strike Success in Rattlesnakes and the Potential Effects of Temperature
10:40 AM Diaz-Cruz, Kelimar - Derived Morphology of Ventral-Scale Nanostructure in the Sidewinder
11:00 AM Pardo, Juanita - An Ontogeny of Spatial Use in Sidewinders
11:20 AM Schield, Drew R. - The Origins and Evolution of Chromosomes and the Recombination Landscape in Rattlesnake Genomes
11:40 AM Perry, Blair - And So We Meet Again: Allopatric Divergence and Secondary Contact with Gene Flow is a Recurring Theme in Rattlesnake Evolution
12:00 PM Castoe, Todd A. - Well Assembled Snake Genomes – A Foundation for Understanding Many Things about Snakes We Wanted To Know, And Other Things We Didn't Know We Wanted To Know
12:20 PM Lunch on Your Own. See List of Restaurants in Back of Program
2:20 PM Honored Guest
Dr. Rulon W. Clark - Dynamic Functional Integration of Motor and Sensory Systems During Predator-Prey Interactions
3:20 PM Eye, Dana - Female Reproductive Ecology of Western Rattlesnakes (Crotalus oreganus) in Southern British Columbia, Canada
3:40 PM Break (20 minutes). Refreshments Provided at the Geronimo Event Center
4:00 PM Wiley, Kristen - Natural History and Captive Management of the St. Lucia Pitviper, Bothrops caribbaeus
4:20 PM Booth, Warren - Recent Advances in the Field of Parthenogenesis in Snakes
4:40 PM Invited Speaker
Dr. Laura R. V. Alencar - The Radiation of New World Pitvipers: A Macroevolutionary Perspective
5:20 PM Dinner On Your Own
7:30 PM Invited Speaker
Vishal Santra - India: A Pitviper Paradise
Saturday July 13, 2019
7:30 AM Refreshments & Continental Breakfast Provided at the Geronimo Event Center
8:00 AM Invited Speaker
Dr. Harry W. Greene - Natural History, Evolution, and Conservation of Venomous Snakes:
Four Talking Points
8:40 AM Parkinson, Chris - The Rattlesnake Tree of Life: A Genome-wide Perspective
9:00 AM Holding, Matthew - Assessing the Relationship between Venom Complexity and Diet Diversity in Rattlesnakes Using a Novel, Genome-Wide Phylogeny
9:20 AM Stiers, Erin - Characterizing the Gut Microbiome in Rattlesnakes with Divergent Venoms
9:40 AM Hofmann, Erich - Characterizing Venom Variation in the Mexican Montane Pitvipers (Cerrophidion)
10:00 AMBreak (20 minutes). Refreshments Provided at the Geronimo Event Center
10:20 AM Rautsaw, Rhett - The Flat Adaptive Landscape of Sidewinder Rattlesnake Venom
10:40 AM Wouters, Roel - Pitviper Embryology: The Development of the Loreal Pit in Bothrops jararaca
11:00 AM Levine Navarre, Brenna - Bateman Gradients and Sexual Selection in the Rattlesnake Crotalus atrox and other North American Pitvipers
11:20 AM Rhoads, Dustin and Pikstein, Rachel - Quantifying Color Pattern Mimicry and Background Color-Matching in Rock Rattlesnakes (Crotalus lepidus) and Gray-banded Kingsnakes (Lampropeltis alterna) Utilizing Digital Photography
11:40 AM Lazzeroni, Margaret - Evolutionary Genomics of Reproductive Modes in Pitvipers
12:00 PM Mead, Jim - Morphology of the Viper Prefrontal Bone and a New Pliocene Agkistrodon
12:20 PM Lunch on your own. See List of Restaurants in Back of Program
2:20 PM Invited Speaker
Dr. Marcio Martins - Vipers on Islands: Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation
Refreshments Provided at the Chiricahua Desert Museum
5:00 PM Group Photo. Meet in Front of the Geronimo Event Center & Apache Museum
6:00 PM Pulled Pork BBQ Dinner at the Geronimo Event Center. Compliments of Chiricahua Desert Museum. Live Music by "Sky Dog" - Local Folk-Country-Blues Band
Sunday July 14, 2019
7:30 AM Refreshments and Continental Breakfast Provided at the Geronimo Event Center
8:00 AM Plenary Speaker
Maria Elena Barragán Paladines, MSc. - New challenges and Perspectives about Venomous Snake Conservation in Ecuador
8:40 AM Wüster, Wolfgang - One Snake, Two Venoms: Causes and Correlates of Venom Variation in the Mohave Rattlesnake (Crotalus scutulatus)
9:00 AM Brattstrom, Bayard H. - Rattlesnakes at Your Feet
9:20 AM Shipley, Bryon K. - What’s all the Buzz About? Prairie Rattlesnake (Crotalus viridis) Movements at Urban Parks and Public Safety
9:40 AM Kamees, Larry - Patterns of Survival of a Communally Denning Rattlesnake, Crotalus viridis in a Man-made Hibernaculum
10:00 AM Break (20 minutes). Refreshments Provided at the Geronimo Event Center
10:20 AM Invited Speaker
Dr. Nicholas R. Casewell - New Approaches to Neutralize Haemotoxic Viper Venoms
11:00 AM Cardwell, Michael D. - Mohave Rattlesnake: The Deadliest Rattlesnake in North America – If You’re a Lab Mouse!
11:20 AM Crowell, Hayley - Eat, Prey, Live: Comparative Thermal Ecology and Energy Requirements of Coastal and Inland Pacific Rattlesnakes (Crotalus oreganus)
11:40 AM Mackessy, Stephen P. - Trends in Venom Composition in Mexican Rattlesnakes
12:00 PM Smith, Cara F. - Biochemical Ecology of Crotalus viridis (Prairie Rattlesnake) in Colorado
12:20 PM Lunch on Your Own. See List of Restaurants in Back of Program
2:20 PM Huerta, Diego - Comparative Ecology of Three Sonoran Desert Rattlesnake Species Living in Syntopy
2:40 PM Invited Speaker
Vishal Santra - Exploring the Himalayas: Hidden Pitviper Diversity in an Understudied Hotspot
3:20 PM Bryan, Danny L. - Translocations of Nuisance Timber Rattlesnakes (Crotalus horridus): A Possible Management Solution
3:40 PM Maritz, Bryan - Are Crotaline Population Survival Estimates Representative of Viper Populations as a Whole?
4:00 PMBreak (20 minutes). Refreshments Provided at the Geronimo Event Center
Refreshments Provided at the Geronimo Event Center
6:20 PM Banquet Dinner. Silent and Live Auctions
Banquet Speaker
Dr. William K. Hayes - The Kiss of Death: How Pitvipers Use Their Venom