The Charles W. Painter Grant in Herpetology
In recognition of the life-long work of Charles W. Painter (1949-2015), the Chiricahua Desert Museum (CDM) has established the Charles W. Painter Grant in Herpetology to support research and education on the herpetofauna of New Mexico.
2016 Charles W. Painter Grant in Herpetology recipient report
2016 Charles W. Painter Grant in Herpetology recipient results
The Chiricahua Desert Museum Research Grant
The Chiricahua Desert Museum (CDM) Grant offers small renewable grants for field-based herpetological research and education in the Sonoran, Mojave and Chihuahuan Deserts as well as the Sky Islands and adjacent habitats of the North American South West. Grant applications are invited from relevant individuals, and will be reviewed by and considered for support by the Scientific Advisory Board of the CDM.
The Chiricahua Desert Museum
NM 80 & Portal Road
Rodeo, NM 88056
575-557-5757 or 575-545-5307
Fax 575-557-7575
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